Full Moon in Leo

Full Moon in Leo

Peak Lunation Jan 25th, 2024 at 12:54 EST

Double Libra Astrology and Holistic Healing

 Welcome to the first full Moon of calendar year 2024! The full Moon in Leo represents a time when opposing energies must come into harmony and balance. It is a time of releasing something that is no longer in alignment or serving our highest good. This lunation is a balance between one's authentic heart and the influence of the collective.

 Leo Shine

The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun, symbolizing the need to shine brightly and step into our most authentic self-expression! It is a reminder to not dim our shine in order to avoid discomfort or the fear of being too much. We always know the Sun is present- even on the cloudiest of day- the Sun isn’t gone of course! Leading from our authentic Leo heart takes courage and vulnerability. It requires tuning into our heart's desires and working through any pain or fear that may be holding us back. The truest nature of Leo is compassion and love, especially self-compassion and self-love. When we live authentically, we raise our own vibration, which has a ripple effect.

The lower point of the Leo archetype forces us to confront our ego. There are many definitions of ego but for the purpose of this blog we will say that the ego is what separates us from our true authenticity and oneness. It is the part of us that is afraid of our light and tries to convince us that we are too much or not enough. When we are in the shadow of Leo (the ego),  we feel afraid, insecure, and perhaps even attention-seeking.

The balance of this axis is represented by Aquarius, which calls us to step into our most authentic Leo alignment in order to raise the vibration of the collective. The energy of Aquarius embodies innovation, creativity, and genius. When we live authentically from our hearts, we contribute to making the world a better place for all.

Pluto, Jupiter and Forward Motions

The topic of Pluto entering Aquarius is also influencing this full moon in Leo. This subject is rich and could be explored entirely on its own- but for this purpose we will keep it simple. Pluto's shift into Aquarius is a calling to raise the consciousness and vibration for all of humanity. Pluto is saying that structures must change, and the time is now! It is a reminder to understand ourselves authentically- even the deepest places of hurt- so that we can align with the grander plan for the universe.

Jupiter in Taurus is also playing a role in the energies of this full Moon axis placing pressure that forces us to analyze what needs to be released in terms of how we view pleasure. Our relationship with pleasure is one reflection of our relationship with ego. If we deny ourselves pleasure, there are likely underlying fears that need to be addressed. For example- have you ever denied yourself the pleasure of dessert for the fear of your waistline or hips expanding? I invite you to explore these places of denial in yourself! Jupiter further invites us to prioritize joy and assess where we may be underestimating the magic we can bring if we step into authenticity.

Additionally, Uranus in Taurus is stationing to move forward, propelling us forward and encouraging necessary changes in our lives. During the next few months all of the planets will be in a forward motion calling us to take action on cultivating our most authentic lives! However, it is important to be mindful not to over-extending ourselves during this time. Make sure each YES is in alignment for you!


Overall, this full Moon in Leo invites us to step into the most authentic version of ourselves. It is a time to reflect on areas where we may be dimming our shine or seeking approval from others. It is an opportunity to explore our feelings around love/acceptance and transmute any beliefs that may be holding us back. By stepping into alignment and reclaiming our power, we can truly shine and make a positive impact on the collective.


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