Full Moon in Capricorn

FULL ILLUMINATION Monday July 3rd at approximately 0739 AM EST

The full Moon represents a time for release. Ideally, we spend each moon cycle working towards the intentions which we have set at the new Moon. When the full Moon comes around, we are offered the opportunity to reflect upon that which may no longer be serving towards our best intentions or highest good. Astrologically when a full Moon occurs this means that the Sun and Moon are in direct opposition thus fully illuminating the Moon. Oppositions always bring the invitation to analyze the balance between two architypes. This month’s full Moon lands in Capricorn in opposition to the Sun in Cancer.

During the next few months Pluto is making another pass through Capricorn before re-entering Aquarius this fall. This certainly strengthens the Capricorn Full moon themes.  The Capricorn full Moon brings the opportunity to look at the structures in your life. What is working? What is no longer serving you? Where are you being constrained by structure? Have you been too rigid around your goals, discipline, and stability? What is it that you truly want to master in life?

Perhaps you are being constrained by your own inner voice keeping you stuck in the same self-destructive thought patterns thus the same actions which are holding you back. Are there ways in which you are sacrificing your time and emotional well-being for the sake of trying to chase and achieve goals? Are these goals really you anymore?

The ruler of Capricorn is the planet Saturn which in currently in Pisces and has been retrograde since mid-June 2023. Saturn in Pisces can be a difficult placement. The planet of structure, time, and discipline struggles to understand spiritual, mystical Pisces where time does not exist as we understand it especially while in retrograde. This placement only deepens the theme that the full Moon in Capricorn is offering. Saturn comes along to show us where we have not been taking responsibility. Where have you been slacking in tending to your spiritual health?

Where can you carve out more time for yourself, and time truly to be with yourself? This is not time to plan or to cross more things off your “to do list”. This is time to just be. Remember the Sun and Moon are in an opposition which is all about balance. With the Sun in Cancer, we are asked to deepen in more to our emotional worlds. Capricorn can often be so goal driven with so much boss energy that emotions get left in the dust.

This full Moon will be making a harmonious aspect to the planet Jupiter in Taurus. Perhaps you are really feeling unsure about what's no longer serving you or how to release it. This harmonious aspect offers some great assistance! Jupiter is the planet of expansion and while in Taurus expansion may look like indulging in the simple pleasures of life. A yoga class, long walk, a delicious meal, stopping to smell the flowers. These are all very Taurus things, and the expansive energy of Jupiter says it is in our greatest good to take the time to smell the roses!

 Often our answers will come to us in the simplest moments. Personally, I am always most inspired early in the morning over a warm cup of coffee and gentle stretch of my body. Nothing glamorous, just simple time to myself before I set out to do all the Capricorn things in my day. Turn down the internal voice and take in more pleasure. You will find what needs to be released in these moments of simple bliss, not when you are attempting to check one more thing off the “list”.


I hope you take advantage of these beautiful energies! Happy Full Moon!


With love and gratitude,



Double Libra Astrology


Full Moon in Aquarius


Water Series Part Three: Pisces