Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moon in Aquarius

FULL ILLUMINATION August 1 2023 at approximately 2:31 PM EST

The full Moon in Aquarius perfects on August 1st at approximately 2:31 EST. As always, the full Moon will illuminate our shadow. Think about walking outside on a full Moon night. Often the moon is so bright that we can literally see our shadow in the darkness! This beautiful phenomenon occurs as the Moon is in direct opposition to the Sun. In the case of this Aquarian full Moon, the opposition occurs with the Sun in Leo. The full Moon offers us the opportunity to reflect upon and release that which no longer serves our highest good.

Perhaps you really have been feeling this Leo energy that can bring so much fun and joy! Leo the Lion really loves to play! But, as always, every sign can have its shadowy aspects. Sometimes these shadows remain hidden just waiting for the full Moon to illuminate and reveal what needs to be released.

The E Word

Although Leo really loves to have fun, this sign is also very much about our ego. Ruled by the Sun, Leo is about identity. Think of the Sun in the sky. We always know what the Sun is up to. The ego is a necessary function to have a human experience; however, it can get in our way. When the ego goes unchecked, we can fall into the pattern of needing outside approval to feel validated. We see this so often in our current society! Most of us have probably felt that dopamine hit when we get some extra likes on our latest social media post. We may not even be aware of how much our self-acceptance is linked to external approval.

Aquarius is complex and deep energy. On one level, Aquarius represents the energy of the collective. Although we all have unique ideas and opinions, we are still very much influenced by the major themes and thought patterns of society. We see these patterns in advertising, social media, the government, politics, school systems, etc.


With a Rebel Yell

Another piece of the Aquarian Archetype is the rebel inside of each of us. Depending on the placements in your chart, this may show up stronger or weaker; however, it’s a safe bet to say that if you are reading this, you have some stronger Aquarian tendencies in your chart. Astrology may not be super mainstream (yet) but here you are. That tells me that you have your own ideas and beliefs which may not be completely aligned with the “collective”. Very Aquarian indeed.

So, on one hand Aquarius helps us come together as the collective, yet at the same time it helps us review what is happening in the collective and discard what doesn’t work for our own belief systems. Healthy Aquarius is the pattern of reviewing what is not working and making necessary adjustments. What then is the balance with Leo?

Dark Shadows

The full Moon offers us a chance to see our shadow when it comes to unconditional love for ourselves. Remember, Leo on a bad day can feel the most validated by external forces. Think about the small child who seeks approval by saying “look at me mommy/daddy!”. This full Moon offers us a beautiful opportunity to analyze our shadow when it comes to the need for external approval.

Perhaps this need lies inside of you but is still tucked away deep in the subconscious. I encourage you to review patterns that consistently show up in your life. Where did you really learn these patterns and are you continuing these patterns simply out of fear of doing things differently? Perhaps you have felt the “nudge” to try something new and different but fear of what “they” think has held you back. A beautiful thought to reflect upon with this full Moon energy is- if you knew you could not fail what would you do? This question may help uncover where you are staying in the same patterns because it’s what you’ve been taught or conditioned to believe you “should” be doing.

Venus Support

 The current Venus retrograde in Leo also offers support when attempting to uncover what needs to be released. As you discern what is truly in alignment versus what you are doing out of fear, conditioning, shame and so on, Venus in Leo invites us to continue to review our own personal values system. What brings you the greatest joy and feelings of abundance in your life? What brings you the deepest pleasure? When we are living from our own values and deepest places of abundance, we begin to see what is no longer serving our highest good. This Venus retrograde lasts for several months and offers us this beautiful opportunity to review these themes.

 Jupiter the Teacher

The full Moon and Sun opposition also forms a square Jupiter in Taurus. A square represents tension or a blockage. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and as the teacher can show us where we are shrinking ourselves or underestimating ourselves. This square to the Sun and Moon offers us the chance to question where we are afraid of our own light and places in our lives where we have become small, perhaps out of fear of what the ‘others” may think. Jupiter reminds us that expansion will feel very uncomfortable and growth will only happen outside of your comfort zone! This requires vulnerability and raw honesty about where you have been diming your own shine.

I hope that you take full advantage of these supportive astrologic energies! Tap into your deepest place of connect and start some beautiful self-reflection and release around that unhealthy part of the ego which we all carry.


With love and gratitude,


Double Libra Astrology














