Water Series Part Three: Pisces

Water Series

Part Three: Pisces


Thus far in our journey through the waters we have explored Cancer and Scorpio. In true water fashion, each of these signs offers us something related to emotion. A summary: cancer feels, Scorpio seeks the meaning of these feelings. Pisces is the final water sign and the final sign in the Zodiac. Being the 12th sign is no easy feat for the fishes. Pisces goes where no sign has been. Pisces represents unveiling and consciousness itself. Pisces is mystical and spiritual. This mysticism should not be confused with religion. Sometimes spirituality and religion overlap, but here I will do my best to leave religion our entirely. The “fishes” are non-denominational and prefer it this way. So, buckle up. We are headed into infinite waters.

If Cancer is about feeling and Scorpio is about diving deeper into such feelings, then what does that leave for Pisces? Well, an infinite amount really. As the 12th sign in the Zodiac, Pisces has arguably the hardest evolutionary job. In true water fashion, Pisces is about emotions. But, Pisces is not just sensitive to their own emotions rather, the fishes are sensitive to things that sometime cannot be seen. Call it a 6th sense, physic ability or a thin veil. But Pisces represents the unseen side of life. These Pisces gifts are available to everyone. You first must feel the feels and seek the truth.

What Pisces represents is the natural progression for those on a watery emotional healing journey. On this path eventually attachment and ego fall away to some degree. The deeper the fishes go, the more enlivened they are. This type of enlivenment is far beyond the satisfaction one gets from feeding the ego. Pisces is quite the contrary really. Pisces is about letting go of the ego to continue diving deeper and deeper into the unseen. What lies 20 feet further down? Nothing excites Pisces more than attempting to find out!

Ego Again

We have talked about ego before, it comes up strongly in a few of the signs. But, let’s look at it from a Piscean perspective. The term ego really gets a bad name. Ego is the ultimate separation from all else. Needs and desires reside within the ego. In his “Book of Water” Steven Forrest presents the idea of interchanging the word personality for ego. No one would argue that we all have unique personalities. How boring life would be without that! Ego can serve the same function. It is like a filter through which we gain the experiences we need for evolution.

You may also be wondering by now why I have referred to Pisces as the “fishes” plural. The very symbolism of Pisces represents these two distinct entities. Personality and consciousness. I am the one known as Brandi, but all is one, so who is Brandi then? Wow! Isn’t that some fishy territory. Some people have severely inflated egos/personalities. Perhaps this is by design to draw them the experiences they need in this lifetime. No matter how you view ego or personality, part of the Piscean mission is to allow some of this attachment to fall away. Although the ego does serve a function in being human, it can also get in our way.

Human Emotion

What does it take to really release ego or personality? We are humans and sometimes our Cancerian energy pulls us into our shell. Perhaps we wake up on a Scorpio bad day and aggressively sting someone. We are only humans after all and with that comes a vast range of emotions. Pisces understands that we are not immune to our emotions, but we can choose how we react. Pisces can see things from a much deeper perspective. Pisces understands that this physical body and life thing really aren’t that serious. No one’s physical meat suit is getting out of here alive anyway!

Once someone reaches this kind of knowing they do not become better than anyone else. Being “better than” someone else is not Pisces mission. A strong Pisces person may be more joyful and radiant yes, but never “better.” Someone on the high side of Pisces simply feels compassion for others who are living life completely consumed by their ego. Compassion, humility, humor. Pisces needs all these things to continue to dive deeper and deeper. Most of all, Pisces must learn how to balance personality and consciousness.


The same Piscean attitude that no meat suit gets out of here alive can also cause some trouble. If we are all going to die anyway then what does all this life stuff even matter? Why should I care about improving myself? I won’t be here in 100 years so fuck it?! This sort of indifference and “checked out” attitude toward life is quite like another shadowy Piscean possibility: dissociation via substances or any addiction really. Pisces work is incredibly difficult, and the universe will send us difficult things to navigate the lessons. This is obviously incredibly difficult and painful at times. You have probably heard the term “dark night of the soul”. Anyone on the other side of this is probably well on their way into the high side of Pisces work.

It is tempting to want to “numb out” at times in life, especially if you have deep water signatures and feel everyone’s shit! During many  “dark nights” there likely was substance misuse involved. No judgement about that! Hell, no judgement if you do numb out occasionally with a drink or a joint. But, the Pisces energy can quickly suck one into that indifference. Well, I’ve already had two beers, one more wouldn’t hurt? It can be a slippery slope, especially if you have strong Piscean signatures in your chart.

Neptune and Jupiter

Pisces is one of those signs that has co-ruling planet. In the times before the discovery of Neptune, Jupiter was considered the ruling planet of Pisces. It is worthwhile exploring both in your chart; however, here I am going to stick to talking about Neptune. Steven Forrest notes in his “Book of Water that there are two types of Pisces people. The Jupiter type- big hearted and unconditionally loving. The more Neptunian Pisces people are more of the mystical and sensitive type. In contrast to the Jupiter type, they likely do not enjoy the big parties and prefer to stay more inward. If you want more of a refresher on Jupiter refer to my Fire Series, Part Three.

In true Neptune fashion, Neptunian Pisces people are mystical and sensitive. That is because Neptune represents the mystical and mysterious. Where Neptune lies in your chart offers information on something necessary for your spiritual evolution. It can also look like somewhere you may feel invisible or tend to want to numb out. But, claim what Neptune is asking you to claim and you may start feeling seen. As an example, Neptune in the first house likely indicates someone who needs to claim some independence for spiritual evolution. Neptune also invites you to have your own unique ideas and path and not be hide them behind some veil of “normalcy.” Neptune’s placement and connections in your chart points the way on how to achieve this.


As always, Evolutionary Astrology can show the way to the high side of your birth chart and any architype! The medicine for shadow is some kind of balance. If you are slipping into Piscean apathy or indifference to life, then it is not hard to see how the Virgo energy can pull you out! Virgo is about becoming the craftsperson or mentor. Virgo wants so badly to be of service in tangible ways. Virgo cares deeply about health and routine. This is very much the opposite of the “checked out” Piscean shadow. Finding something that ignites the desire to be of service is good medicine for the troubled Piscean soul!

What Next?

As with all the architypes in astrology, you can really learn a lot about yourself by looking at where Pisces and Neptune show up for you! Looking at your twelfth house will also give you some great information about your spiritual path. Of course, making sense of this is complicated and may be best suited to the hands of a professional! But, don’t be afraid to take a look and start unraveling some of this information on your own. If you have read all these blogs, then you understand the very basics of all the Architypes. Although basic information, it is likely profound enough to cause some “aha” moments for you! Pisces rounds out my Elements Series. This is not goodbye, rather see you soon! I will be working busily on deepening my astrological knowledge and will be back with more to share soon. I will also be offering readings as well and I can’t wait to help you make sense of your chart!




Water Seriers Part Two: Scorpio