Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus

Being Embodied- The Gift of Life

Peak Illumination Saturday October 28th, 2023, at 4:24 EST

Since November 2021 we have collectively experienced several eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. On Saturday October 28, 2023, we will complete this cycle with the final phenomenon of this lunar eclipse in the sign of Taurus. This eclipse marks the ending of the cycle and the final release. Like every full moon, this period highlights what needs released so that polarities may come into balance.

Being that this is the last eclipse of this axis, and the ending of a cycle, we are likely to see or feel completion on something that has been ongoing since around November 2021. We all have Taurus and Scorpio somewhere in our chart. We are not immune to these energies but these themes will certainly be more potent for you if you have strong Taurus/Scorpio or fixed placements in your chart.

The Taurus/Scorpio polarity deals on the Taurus side with issues of stability, self-worth, values, money, animal instinct, and power. The Scorpio themes include transformation, intensity, depth, sexuality, intimacy, and addiction. Taurus loves to stay comfortable and relies on her animal instinct for information. But growth rarely happens inside our cozy Taurus comfort zone and sometimes we must deeply analyze hidden parts of ourselves if we want to evolve. Scorpio represents this deep inner exploration. Scorpio work is often intense, difficult or painful, and is balanced by the grounding secure comforts that Taurus loves.

What is a Lunar Eclipse Anyway?

To keep is simple, eclipses occur when the sun, moon, and Earth align in a particular way within a certain degree of the North or South Nodes. The nodes are points in the sky along the elliptical plane. During a lunar eclipse the moon is full, and Earth moves between the Sun and the moon which casts Earth’s shadow onto the moon. In astrology the moon represents our emotions, while the sun represents identity. With the shadow on the moon, we are offered the opportunity to look at our deepest places of emotional wounding- which of course offers the greatest potential for healing should we choose to heed this energy.


During this full moon and lunar eclipse, we are seeking to understand what needs to be released so that harmony can exist between growth and grounding. The past two years likely brought about some intense changes and perhaps even moments of deep pain. Reflect to November 2021 and think about how these themes have shown up for you. Chances are you have had opportunities for great personal growth! The pain you may have felt in the process was temporary and necessary for your evolution. With the Scorpio side of the axis, we are constantly asked to deeply analyze the most hidden places of ourselves. The Taurus side of the axis reminds us of our inherent worth and that when things get tricky, we can always come back to our bodies and breathe!

This full moon in Taurus is ruled by Venus currently in Virgo which will help highlight what needs to be released. Venus in Virgo can show up as hypercritical and over-analytical- especially of ourselves or those closest to us. The challenge may be to release the inner critic that is stepping in the way of your inherent Taurus abundance. Our inner critic comes from years and years of conditioning and beliefs from our families and society. If you take the time to deeply reflect, you will likely discover that the critical and limiting beliefs you may be holding are not even your own! What does your inner critic sound like? Who does your inner critic sound like?

This Taurus full moon eclipse offers the chance to celebrate the deep work we have done and find joy in the simple pleasures of life! Supported by Jupiter (retrograde) also in Taurus, we are offered the gift of internal expansion during this time. First, find some gratitude for being embodied! You have been gifted this body as a vessel to experience the world. Taurus offers the potential for so much abundance, but we must start with the basics first. Even if you are at a place in your healing journey where you feel that you have more layers to peel away (and who doesn’t), that is ok!  We must learn that we are always enough and do no need validation from external forces, especially from places that have bred our inner critic. You can feel broken and in the process of growth and still be enough!


Jupiter’s chance for expansion may look like self-love and gratitude expanding out into the universe and coming back to you tenfold! Taurus also loves simplicity. So, start with simply being grateful for waking up today. Be grateful for your next breath. Take the time to really use your senses to experience the world and be grateful the next time you see, taste or feel something amazing! If we can learn to be grateful for the seemingly simple things in life then we can really begin to see how enough we are! If we are not grateful for what we do have we will never be satisfied chasing the “next big thing”.

We have collectively been under heavy energies during the last two years. Personal growth is challenging and rarely happens in our comfort zones. So, with this eclipse, settle into your body and remember to come back to your breath. Call into your awareness what has occurred over the last two years and what you are finally ready to let go of now. Notice where in your body you begin to feel lighter as you finalize this cycle of work you have done. Then, in true Taurus fashion, indulge in some of the simple pleasures of life! Dark chocolate anyone?


With Love and Gratitude,


Double Libra Astrology



Full Moon in Gemini
