Full Moon in Aries

Friday September 29th

Peak Illumination 5:58 AM


Welcome to the full Moon in Aries! If you are new to this newsletter or to astrology in general, let me summarize the full Moon period for you. The full Moon energy is a great time to analyze our current situations and discover what needs to be released for opposing energies to be brought into harmony. Ideally, we set intentions at the new Moon and when the full Moon comes around, we are offered the opportunity to reflect upon these intentions and begin the process of releasing that which may no longer be serving us in manifesting our highest self.

When a full Moon occurs, the Sun and Moon are in direct opposition in the sky, thus fully illuminating the Moon. As the moon represents emotion- we can say that we are emotionally raw and visible during this time. Oppositions bring the invitation to analyze balance between two forces that need to be integrated. This month’s full Moon in Aries lies in opposition to the Sun in Libra.

 Spiritual Selfishness

The sign of Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and represents a very personal place within each of us. Regardless of where the Sun lands in your chart, we all have Aries energy within us. With our Aries energy we can learn to step into our personal courage and power. Aries is about spiritual selfishness- that is, creating the boundaries that are necessary to tread forward on the path of personal empowerment and growth. The Arian architype can help us discover places in our life where we are not being “selfish” enough in the pursuit of our own growth.

Perhaps recently you have been shown some opportunities to take a risk, exhibit some spiritual selfishness, or somehow been asked to assess your boundaries and step into your own path. Aries has been very activated in the sky since Mid-July when the North Node moved into this sign. The North Node is a point in the sky which represents the path toward our highest self-expression. Think back to July. Where have you been given opportunities to assess your boundaries, be courageous and even a little “selfish” in the name of spiritual growth?

Wounded Healer

The asteroid Chiron, known as the wounded healer, has also been traveling in the sign of Aries. Chiron can show us places of ourselves which still need some fine tuning. Growth is such a multifaceted process and surely you have the scars to prove how far you have come! Chiron in the sign of Aries offers great courage to explore your deepest places of wounding so that you may continue blazing the trail to the best version of yourself.

With Aries already very activated in the sky, this full Moon offers the perfect time to reflect on our personal courage, power, boundaries, spiritual selfishness, and overall relationship to ourselves. Remember, the full Moon is about seeking balance. The Sun in Libra opposes this Arian Moon. Libra is a very relational sign and enjoys harmony, peace, and diplomacy. If you are reading this as an American, then you understand that we live in a very Libran culture where, especially for women, niceness and “don’t rock the boat” mentality seems to prevail. We have been deeply conditioned to believe that niceness is our greatest virtue. Libra can really carry the badge of the chronic people pleaser.

Libra Niceness

Often with Libra, the harmony, peace and niceness can show up in simple ways such as when we say- “no I don’t care where we go for dinner.” As you sit down at a BBQ restaurant instant regret sinks in. Why didn’t I just say I wanted sushi? Over time Libra niceness and weak boundaries can deceive us into thinking we don’t have a voice or if we put our needs first that somehow, we are shortchanging others. When we are not setting boundaries and making time for spiritual selfishness, we can begin to feel resentful, disempowered and out of balance. When we constantly go with the flow, we end up getting swept along in the current.

Being and Doing

During this full Moon, the Sun in Libra is making a strong connection to the asteroid Pallas Athena- also known as the goddess of war. This feminine architype understands how to use intellect, creativity, and healing in order to overcome fears and win her battles. Pallas Athena traveling with the Sun offers the chance to analyze where taking courageous action is in store to unveil the truest version of ourselves. Perhaps you have been craving a creative or intellectual pursuit but have not made the necessary adjustments in your life to step fully into this. Wait no more! Pallas Athena joining the Sun and opposing the Arian Moon is inviting you to find the balance between being and doing.

The asteroid Vesta in the sign of Cancer is placing friction on the full Moon Axis. Vesta represents devotion, commitment and focus. This energy can enhance the tension felt during this full Moon time when we attempt to explore the balance between self and others. You may feel torn between taking care of yourself and your responsibilities at home. We live in such chaotic times where the pressures “to do” are immense. The “just do it” culture and mentality are engrained deeply within the collective. What can you shift or release in order to restore some harmony in your life without sacrificing all of yourself?

Now stop. Take a deep breath. Allow yourself some time for reflection. Where have you been sacrificing yourself, going with the flow or stuck in a chronic people pleasing mindset? Have you put off creative pursuits or endeavors because someone needs you? The energy of this full Moon is offering you a beautiful chance to re-evaluate your boundaries and re-prioritize yourself. In any meaningful relationship we want to put our best self out there. You best self deserves you showing up for you!

With Love and Gratitude,


Double Libra Astrology


