Buckle Up! It is Eclipse Season

 Welcome back to the Full Moon newsletter! This month, we are delighted to share the exciting news of an extraordinary Full Moon that leads us into eclipse season. This Full Moon in Libra is part of a series of eclipses that commenced back in July 2023. Each eclipse holds a profound significance due to its proximity to either the North or South nodes of the Moon, symbolizing our soul's mission and karma respectively.


Eclipses serve as potent opportunities to delve deeper into unresolved issues, facilitating release, integration, or transformation. This intense energy grants us access to unexplored realms of our consciousness, unveiling aspects that were previously hidden. Embracing eclipses signifies a time of significant change, enabling us to shed karmic patterns and align with our highest purpose.

With the South Node of the Moon in Libra and the North Node in Aries, we are called to release or assimilate elements that disrupt our inner peace, balance, and harmony. It's a time to relinquish any tendencies towards polite dishonesty or compromised boundaries. Embracing raw honesty and courage in confronting these challenges is paramount. Uncomfortable conversations and critical self-reflection may be necessary to navigate this transformative period.

The fast moving planet Mercury plays a pivotal role in this eclipse season, having already entered its pre-retrograde shadow and aligning with the North Node in Aries. Past unresolved issues may resurface, urging us to address and release them. Amidst potential miscommunications, it's essential to exercise caution and avoid hasty decisions! Mercury can play tricks on our minds and will make us believe we have all the information- when this may not be the case.

Take a moment to reflect on the recurring themes dating back to July 2023. These patterns are likely to resurface for evaluation. Before making any snap choices ask and reflect upon these four fundamental questions: “what is this, what do I do with this? Can I change this and if so how do I change this?” These questions can provide valuable insights into the current challenges and patterns that are bubbling to the surface.

During this Eclipse we have a grouping of planets in Pisces- making this Piscean energy very potent.  Pisces is the gateway to our deepest knowing and invites us to tune into how we feel and make choices from our hearts rather than our head. Another amazing tool to use when analyzing the situations at hand is to ask yourself if the thing, choice, person, etc. feels heavy or light? Really deepen into your body when you ask these questions- where do you feel the weight of the heavy things? How does this heaviness compare to things that feel light? Do you get the sense that your body is tired of carrying some of the heaviness?


The energy of the eclipse season can be somewhat erratic and unstable. Rather than setting any specific intention or goals it may be better to focus on releasing or transmuting any heaviness. Think of this as a great time for some spiritual spring cleaning! Work on identifying areas of bulk and with no specific end game in mind ASK the question- how does it get better than this? The universe is waiting for you to ask!

With love and gratitude,


Double Libra Astrology and Holistic Coaching, LLC


Full Moon in Scorpio


Full Moon in Virgo: Stepping into Your Divine Human Experience