Earth Series Part One: Taurus

Earth Series

Part One: Taurus, Venus and the Second House

February 5th, 2023

Welcome to the Earth series! First up is Taurus the bull. Taurus is ruled by Venus and resides in the second house of the Zodiac. At first glance Taurus might seem a bit mundane. What could possibly be so great about the bull standing in a grassy meadow? He is just there, eating some grass. Big deal. But, what if I told you the Taurus family also has a lot to do with finding inner peace, love and money? Hmmm…. Does that make that bull seem a bit more intriguing? 

Love and money tend to be big themes that come up in many different ways throughout our lives. Seeking some kind of profound inner peace is not everyone’s path in this life, but hopefully it will come to some degree with right love and right money. Does the bull love anything or earn/spend resources? Not likely. So, how does all of this go together? Come along and we will find out! Perhaps you will even gain some insight into how to navigate these issues in your own life using the wisdom of your Taurus family placements. 

The Bull 

Let’s start with Taurus the sign. As we know, Taurus is the bull in the meadow. Rain or shine he is there, minding his business. It is a simple life and when did simple become such a bad thing? If Taurus has some food to eat, then he is content. The bull has perhaps gotten a bit of a bad rap due to mankind and what we have done to them. The Bull doesn’t want to be the stereotypical “Bull in the China shop”. He doesn’t belong in a China shop. So long as he is in his meadow all is right in his world. So, what is the symbolism behind this? Taurus is asking you to return to your inner animal. Stop overanalyzing everything, stop engaging in mindless drama, stop the bull shit (ha! see what I did there?)

Inner Animal. Think about this for a moment. What does that really symbolize? What comes to your mind? Instinct. That’s what it is all about. If you live in a region with distinct seasons, then you need not look any further than the simple squirrel to get a good idea of this in action. During the fall, these little creatures can be seen busily harvesting acorns and the like. They are preparing for winter. But how did the squirrel get the memo that winter was coming? Did he look at his calendar and realize it was late October? This is cute to imagine, but the answer is instinct. The squirrel has an inherent knowing that the winter season is coming. Consider even an unseasonably warm fall time. The fall “crisp” in the air hasn’t been felt. Yet, there is the squirrel still preparing for winter. What about the birds that sing loudly even on the coldest early March day? No real signs of spring, yet the birds know it is near. Instinct. 

Nervous System Overload

In the high tech, fast paced world we live in, it can be easy to forget that we are all just animals. We may be much further along in our evolutionary journey than the squirrel, but none the less, we are animals too. That means we have instinct. Some of us have stronger Earth placements in our chart and perhaps stronger instinct. But, this is buried somewhere inside of us all. Have you ever met someone who was perfectly nice on the surface, but you had a bad “feeling” about them which later was proven right? If you are a parent (yes animal parents count too) then you have surely tapped into your animal instinct. Being able to “know” when there is something wrong with your human or fur baby? Yep, that can fall under the realm of instinct as well!

Taurus. So simple, yet so complicated. The current state of the world is not very supportive of returning to our animal instincts. Unless you live a very Aquarian off the grid lifestyle, then there are things happening around you every day that are pulling you away from tapping into your animal side. Most people carry a cell phone or two on them at all times. We get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day life and it can be so hard to calm down. We never stop to smell the roses. The constant stimulation leaves our nervous systems fried. So what can we do?

Natural Habitat 

Take your inner animal back to its natural habitat. Get your animal self-outside. Feel the sun on your skin, wind in your hair. Stop to observe how your body senses the season. Turn off some of that nervous system overload by feeling into your own body. How does a blade of grass feel on your fingers? Walk barefoot in some soft grass. Can’t get out into nature? No problem. Pet a dog or cat. What does their fur feel like? Observe a fish in a tank. What are the fish really doing in there? Chop some vegetables mindfully feeling them, then ingest. Have no real questions, just be in the moment. It is very likely that some of your greatest questions will be answered in these moments.

What About Love?

In the introduction I did promise some insight on love and money. So far nothing I’ve said really describes love or money. Yes sure, the love of nature and pleasing your senses, but I bet that’s not the type of love you were hoping to learn about. That is where Venus, the ruler of Taurus comes in.

Venus also rules the sign of Libra and does look a bit different in that architype. We will get there in another series. But as the ruler of Taurus, Venus deals largely with pleasing our senses, love, and how we attract the things we want. The Venus placement in your chart can offer some serious clues that will point back to your inner animal. When we talk about love we tend to automatically think about intimate partnerships. This is an important love but let’s take a step back. We first need to love ourselves before we can really be in a stable long term intimate relationship. 

In my opinion, (and I am not a psychologist by the way) self-love is necessary in such long-term partnerships, or else eventually issues will surface in some negative way. These issues can be vast, but how can I fully love you, when I don’t love myself? You get the idea. Venus can lead the way to self-love. Venus loves all things beautiful. A Start by trying to please your senses. Light your favorite candle, eat and savor your favorite meal, turn on your favorite music. Create some kind of beautiful art or music. Sing in the shower. See the beauty in all that is around you. See the beauty when you look in the mirror. Cut the negative self-talk. When you start to shift your mind in this way, it makes loving yourself a little bit easier. When you love yourself and all that is around you will have an easier time attracting loving things into your life.


Taurus resides in the second house. The second house deals with our value system, resources, self-love/self-worth and what we consider to be ours. This is the part of the Taurus clan that deals with money. As Steven Forrest wisely teaches, one who is impoverished will certainly have a more difficult time finding inner peace (inner animal) than one who has an abundance of resources. A starving animal is surely not the proverbial bull standing in the meadow. The starving bull would be on a quest for resources. The starving human animal would also be on a quest for resources, but likely with an added dash of self-doubt and self-loathing. It isnt a good feeling to lack and certainly brings into question ones self-worth.

The second house brings up so many questions! How much money is actually enough? Am I being selfish or greedy with my resources? Am I earning all my resources and money at the expense of my physical or spiritual health? Am I feeling a lack of worth? So many important real-life questions to consider with the second house. Money is such a large topic. Self-worth also a large topic. Sometimes we spend our entire lives chasing money and a perceived sense of self-worth, only to come to the end and realize somewhere we missed the point. 

Shadowy Stuff

As we learned in the Fire Series, every architype can manifest as high or low. Every day has its night. Taurus is a fixed sign which as you can probably guess, can equate to stubbornness and inflexibility. Taurus wants to be comfortable but, when we are talking about evolution of the soul, comfort can be limiting. If the bull never leaves the meadow, then his perception of the world is very limited. How can we move toward the highest version of ourselves if we never leave our own backyard? Taurus on a bad day can also look self-indulgent and hyper-focused on me and mine. This can be a real dilemma for Taurus. The good news, as always with evolutionary astrology is that we understand that you are not doomed to being stuck in these shadows. If you want to see the way out, look across the Zodiac. 


Scorpio opposes the sign of Taurus and thus can offer the medicine for Taurus on his or her worst days. Scorpio is interested in the deepest darkest parts of the human psyche. Where Taurus wants to rely on its animal brain, Scorpio says let’s go deep into the mind and explore. Scorpio says that in order to grow, some kind of destruction must occur. The medicine lies in striking a balance within this axis. Scorpio says to Taurus, what have you become too fixed upon and is it time to let this go? Are you overly concerned with you and yours? This is so difficult for Taurus! But, if evolution is what we seek, then we must understand that there is a such thing as being too fixed and too animalistic. Afterall, we are animals with human brains. It would be a waste not to use our human brains at all in this crazy thing called life.

What Now?

Inner animal, inner peace, love, beauty, resources. Wow! Stop and really reflect on these subjects in your own life. Break out that journal and jot down some ways these things show up for you (or don’t show up!) These are such interesting and important topics. Who would have guessed that the bull in the meadow can point us to some of the answers we seek regarding these themes! If you are curious to learn more about how the Taurus family shows up for you, I encourage you to get a copy of your natal chart. There are several websites where you can generate a free copy. Look to where Taurus and Venus show up for you. Also look at your second house. Even if you know very little about astrology you can get a good idea of how you deal with these issues by looking at these placements. But it’s complicated and here we have only scratched the surface. A natal chart reading by a trusted evolutionary astrologer would be helpful for a deeper understanding of how this shows up for you! Stay tuned for next time as we continue our Earth Journey with the Virgo fam! 




Earth Series Part Two: Virgo


Fire Family Part 3: Sagittarius