Luckiest Day of the Year?!
Welcome to another welcome to another full Moon! This month's full Moon is coming to you in the very beginning of Gemini season with the Sun at 2° of Gemini and the Moon at 2° of Sagittarius. If you follow any kind of astrology on social media perhaps have heard about this Moon and how it is being called the luckiest Moon of the year! I know that has grabbed your interest!
If you are new here welcome! My intention is to make astrology relatable to everyone regardless of how much you may or may not understand about it! The full Moon is a period in the lunar cycle where the Sun’s rays are fully reflected upon the Moon thus illuminating her in the sky. The full Moon always highlights an axis or two opposing energies that must be brought together. This often means something must be released in order to bring balance and harmony to these forces.
Zooming Out
The theme of Gemini versus Sagittarius brings to light our thoughts, immediate perceptions, and the busy mind versus Sagittarian expansion, adventure and broader horizons. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury which is the fastest moving planet! It impacts our thoughts, beliefs and the way that we take in information. This explains a lot about what some refer to as the monkey mind. There is always so much happening around us to perceive and try to understand.
On the other end of this axis lies Sagittarius ruled by the expansive planet of Jupiter. Unlike Gemini- Sagittarius is about zooming our lenses out in order to understand the bigger picture. The symbolism of Sagittarius is represented by an upward pointing arrow. This represents a sustained and continued focus on the larger perspective.
Analysis Paralysis
This month's full Moon is asking us to really analyze places where we have been caught up in trying to think logically through situations. What can often happen with Mercury and Gemini is analysis paralysis. We get so caught up in thinking about the what ifs and how to that we become unable to take solid action. This month's full Moon offers us a chance to step back analyze our thoughts and where we have been getting in our own way so that we can expand abundantly!
This full Moon certainly does have some ”luck”behind it. But I think luck can often be misconstrued. Sagittarius ruled by the lucky planet of Jupiter does not necessarily just go out handing out this luck. In order to tap into the luck we must be willing to do things in a different way. This could mean saying yes to opportunities that scare us or taking the next bold step that we have been resisting for whatever reason.
Feeling In
Jupiter as the ruler of this Moon forms a very harmonious connection with the planet Neptune- which is all about our dreams, manifestations, and that which we can feel on some level but not see or logic with our busy minds. This harmonious aspect is inviting you to manifest the life that you desire. Step out of your busy logical thinking mind and begin to feel into what it is you are trying to create for yourself. As much as our mind tries to paint a picture, we really have no idea what is next BUT we can begin to sit with the feelings of how our ideal life would really feel.
When you think of how you want your life to feel maybe you notice a light sensation in your body. Maybe you notice your heart chakra expanding. What is the truth will always feel light rather than heavy. Keep that in your mind as you begin to manifest the utmost abundance for yourself.
The ruler of this Moon is also conjunct the planet Venus during this lunation. Venus highlights the way that we are able to receive abundance, pleasure and indulgences. This Venus conjunction with Jupiter the offering us the opportunity to dream big. Do not limit yourself to small thinking. You are worthy of abundance and pleasure. You can begin to feel into what a life filled with these things could mean for you!
Use the Energy!
Some excellent journal prompts at this time: where in your life have you been minimized by an old thought or belief pattern? For example I would not be successful at blank because blank.
Expand on this journal prompt by writing what you would do in this moment if you knew with 1000% certainty that you would not and could not fail……
I would love to hear your questions! As always-the newsletters are a helpful overview but understanding your own birth chart can help unlock hidden wisdoms in taking control of your life so that you have be in alignment and THRIVING! Book your reading today :)
Happy Full Moon!
With Love and Gratitude,