Aries Energy: The Screaming Infant?
Fire Series
Part One: Aries
January 16, 2023
Imagine a warm summer night with thousands of stars shining bright above you. There is no light pollution, it is as if you can see through the sky into the next solar systems and it goes on and on forever. You’re sitting around a campfire that’s beginning to burn out with the last logs only smoldering. You catch yourself getting a little “lost” staring into that smoldering pile of embers and ash. What do you feel in your body? What do you smell in the air? Can you taste anything? Close your eyes and imagine this for a moment.
If you’re anything like me, you have had the pleasure of this experience at least once in your life. If not, you have surely been touched by any of the fire elements in some way. Unless you live isolated in a cave, you know when the sun is shining and when the rain is pouring down. The point is- where there is fire there is knowing.
We’re here to discuss the fire family- Aries in particular. We will eventually get into the more refined fire energies of Leo and Sagittarius. But, first things first. It doesn’t matter if your sun sign is Aries or not, mine is not, yet I am full of fire! Here in the northern hemisphere, we are in the midst of the winter season. Many of us don’t see enough of the sun, so what a great time to warm ourselves up with the thought of some Arian energy.
Aries is ruled by Mars and belongs to the first house. Aries marks the beginning of the spring season in the northern hemisphere. This is a quick important concept to grasp: astrology is actually about seasons, not stars. That could be an entirely separate topic but here let’s stick to this as a very basic concept: seasons.
Think about the spring season. How do you feel on the first decent day outside after spending several months cooped up inside? The memories of the shortest days seem to be fading as the nights grow shorter. Can you smell the spring air just by thinking about it? Maybe you can hear the robins in your head too. Trees are budding, life is being found again.
This is Aries, the energy of emerging from the pure survival mode of winter, once again renewed and full of life. Here is another way to think about Aries….
The Infant
Aries is often referred to as the infant in the zodiac. How does an infant get what they need? Well by screaming of course. If you are a parent, you likely know this all too well. Eventually you get to know the different tones to the screams which helps you narrow down what baby might need. Sometimes it makes no difference, baby is just screaming and getting louder. Now baby is getting more and more scared- baby thinks “what if they can’t figure out what I need?” Baby is just trying to survive. Louder more desperate screams….this is Aries again.
Survival. Will to live. At face value, the screaming energy may seem like negative or bad energy (there is no negative or bad in evolutionary astrology) but if we learn to work with this Arian energy, we can become someone who knows how to get what we want without plowing over too many people in the process. We can become a courageous warrior, maybe even one who fights for peace.
Depending on other aspects in your chart- wherever Aries lands you will likely have an easier time expressing yourself. The key is always that you must heed the clues in the rest of your chart. Even if you have no planets in Aries- you still have this energy in your chart. We can never escape any sign or planetary energy. For me, Aries lands at the cusp of my fourth house (house of family/home). You could ask my husband, but I think he would agree that home is my comfort zone- where I am the freest to express myself- and this often looks like wearing PJs all day without thinking twice. But one thing is for sure- I am far more likely to be courageous in matters that concern my son (fourth house family).
Think about that primal bear instinct to protect our babies. According to master evolutionary astrologer Steven Forrest- wherever the Aries lands in your chart is the place that your soul is being called into courage. If ignored, the call for courage can lead one into chronic victimhood. If you are not the hunter, then you will be the prey. Sounds a little dark right? Well think of the many activists of history and present-day times and tell me it doesn’t take a little courage to fight for peace…That would be the high side of Aries.
Arian Dark Night (or Day)
If Aries has a high side then that means it also has a “low” side. This is true of all the energies- every day has its night. How might the Arian type look when they roll out of bed on a bad day? The “low” or shadow side of Aries looks like fear. I am afraid- perhaps afraid to speak out, afraid to take the leap, afraid to board the plane to take that trip. The possibilities of what one could fear are endless, but the key is to look at where fear might be showing up in your life.
Fear that is internalized can manifest as anger. I am by no means a psychologist, but I tend to feel like fear has some basis in all anger. The easiest example is to think about a time when you’ve almost been in a car accident or your life felt momentarily threatened in some way.
Someone nearly backs into you in the parking lot- first my heart sinks and I am afraid for a moment, then I think “what an idiot”. If they catch me on a bad day then maybe I honk and flick them the bird. That is fear manifesting as anger. That person isn’t really an idiot, and that fear let me momentarily slip back into primal thought patterns.
Reflect for a while on how fear shows up for you. What about anger? Are you a “yeller” (me, that’s me), passive aggressive type (maybe also me)? Maybe you are someone who feels little anger or has a hard time expressing anger. This is all Arian “stuff”.
The Medicine
If you have difficult Arian energy in your chart, you are not doomed to a life of being some kind of screaming, hot head, infant like adult. Quite the opposite really. That Arian energy is also our drive and life force which is vital to survival. Libra is ruled by Venus and resides in the seventh house. This is the opposite of Aries in the Zodiac- and you know as the old expression says opposites attract.
Well in the case of astrology, there can be some truth to this in the fact that Libra offers the medicine to our Arian energy on a bad day. Libra calls us to balance by considering others a bit more. Like Aries, Libra knows how to get what it wants but does so by being nice rather than screaming until her needs are met.
Libra asks Aries to see the beauty in every situation. Libra says learn that it is not always about you, let’s stop and consider the other person. Libra enjoys peace and calls Aries to find that sweet spot of being able to express when needs are not being met without resorting to screaming out like an infant.
What now?
If you are curious about learning more about how Arian energy shows up for you, I encourage you to get a copy of your natal chart. There are several websites where you can generate a free copy. Look to where Aries and Mars show up for you. Also look at your first house. Even if you know very little about astrology you can get a good idea of how you deal with Arian themes simply by looking at which sign Mars is in for you. A full natal chart reading by a trusted evolutionary astrologer would also be helpful. Stay tuned to learn about the rest of the fire family. Up next….Leo the Lion.