Air Series Part Two: Libra


Air Series

Part Two: Libra


The sign of Libra is represented by the symbolism of scales. The scales depict a very literal translation of Libra (the only sign in the zodiac represented by an inanimate object), but Evolutionary Astrology is rarely ever translated literally. What I mean by this is that we depend largely on symbolism. That is how this stuff works. The symbols represent something and that something is hard to translate in a literal fashion because it can show up differently for everyone! Libra is ruled by the Goddess of Love- Venus, and resides in the 7th house or traditional house of marriage. Life is full of complicated choices, paradox, and attempting to strike a balance. These are all Libra things, but how do we actually get to a place where we achieve equilibrium even in the face of complicated choice and endless paradox? Let’s dive deeper into Libra to find out.

To strike a balance within ourselves we need to develop the ability to tolerate paradoxes. Take the vinegar with the honey if you will.  If we are thrown easily off course by difficult choices or extreme beliefs, then we become unbalanced. Mind, body, spirit. How can we balance this for our evolutionary growth? By tapping into our Libra Clan energies of course! If you are reading this blog, then chances are you are on an evolutionary path. All of us come into this life with trauma. Call it generational curses or past life issues but at birth our nervous systems are already wired with trauma responses!

Being able to tolerate taking the good with the bad is key to moving forward on your evolutionary path. We all have trauma, wounding, hurts to heal. Your soul will attract to you the lessons and messages you need. No matter if you have strong Libra or Venus signatures in your chart, the universe will show you what you need to grow. Chances are if you have strong Libra clan placements, then you often find yourself in situations or contradictions. What to do, what to do? This can drive you crazy if you let it. Our Libra clan placements can show us some of our gifts toward restoring inner harmony, balance, and not allowing life’s challenges to destroy our us.  

Artistic Senses

The Libra clan is strongly connected to aesthetic pleasures. While perhaps more probable than average, not everyone with strong Libra clan placements will become an artist. But, art is strongly connected to this sign. With some careful deduction we can see why. Ever had a bad day and felt instantly uplifted by some beautiful music? What about feeling more relaxed after looking at a beautiful painting or piece of jewelry? Why do people enjoy touring art galleries or getting dressed up? For Libra, art and aesthetic pleasure are a path to harmony. Again, with paradox, the beauty of the world makes the ugly much more tolerable for Libra! Having that beauty is essential to the sanity of Libra. This sign can truly appreciate the finer things in life.


Ask any astrologer about Libra and you will likely hear something about partnership, and not just romantic or sexual partnership. We need different types of partnerships in our life to thrive. Think about the importance of our animal companions! We can often love our fur babies similarly to how we love our own human offspring. All this love is certainly Libra territory. With any loving relationship there will be compromise. My beloved dog eats my yoga mat (yes it happened) do I throw him out on his ass for this transgression? Of course not. In fact, we snuggle up later that day. I tolerate his quirks in exchange for his endless love and protection.

What about romantic partnership? Say you meet your soulmate, and you have everything in common! Oh you love jazz? Me too! Favorite food sushi… No way, me too! You get the picture. Things are great at first. But, eventually one of you starts to evolve and you are no longer fully aligned in the same ways. Can we still see the world through our partners’ views which may no longer reflect our own? Can we compromise many of the issues that are coming up? We will get back to that very Libran question.


Libra is the motivation behind the energy of Venus and as such serves a similar mission. Restoration of equilibrium. I would stretch Venus a bit further and say that Venus also enables us to be resilient. Think for a moment about some significantly stressful times in your life. I know, no one wants to go back there, but the Venus circuits in your brain are largely responsible for getting you through such challenges. Venus invites us to seek the beauty and pleasure that life has to offer. The simple act of taking a hot bath to wind down after a long day is so the essence of Venus. Simple pleasures. Sometimes bigger pleasures but all things beauty, love, and grace.

Of course we have all heard of Venus as the goddess of love. Also correct. Venus provides us with the tools necessary to form meaningful relationships. Diplomacy, compromise, and respect are a few key Venus ideals. At some point in life you have probably been in a relationship of some kind where some of these things were lacking. It isn’t hard to imagine that relationships lacking these principles start to feel uncomfortable quickly. All these qualities are necessary functions in life to maintain our internal equilibrium and navigate successful relationships.  

7th House

Libra belongs to the 7th house. Lying on the cusp or beginning of the 7th house is the descendent. The descendant lies opposite the ascendant which represents our most outward self, or the “mask” we choose to show the world. We can then say that the descendent represents the more inner places of ourselves. The place that we only feel comfortable showing those we enter some type of formal partnership with. Any planets in the 7th house or planets making strong aspects to this house can provide some clues about strengths and challenges in your partnerships and intimate relationships.

Too Nice- Shadowy Stuff

Remember the Libra question of compromise? The Libra clan loves to be in balance and thus naturally avoids conflict or states of imbalance. This can often look like being too nice, or bending too far for others. To put it lightly, Libra can struggle with boundaries! The ole cliché of giving yourself away is the tendency of Libra on a bad day. Yes, there is a such thing as being too nice! Too nice might look like self-sacrifice. This is a sure bet to land you in a state of disharmony as well. Libra loves to be so nice that they may also be prone to tell a white lie or two. Sometimes this is easier than the thought of hurting someone’s feelings. But, wouldn’t the person you are lying to be hurt if they found our your lie? Ahhhh that paradox again!


Lucky for Libra, the sign of Aries lies across the Zodiac. But we know this isn’t luck and no coincidence of course. As we have recently entered this Aries season, you may have a fresh sense of Aries energy. Aries is the I AM energy. Aries is powerful, courageous, and primarily concerned with getting its needs met. Aries is the dragon awakening after a long winter. It is easy to imagine how this Aries energy could also go haywire. Equilibrium. That is what this is all about.

Finding the balance between mine, yours, and ours. This takes boundaries. Boundaries can often look like saying no when no is the real answer. But of course, boundaries can take many other forms. Sometimes we don’t know where we need stronger boundaries. Especially in the American culture, niceness and self-sacrifice seem to be glorified. It can be so normal to reluctantly agree to something out of a sense of obligation! I encourage you to reflect and journal on where you are giving too much of yourself away. The invitation is then to discover how you can harness your Aries energy to strike some balance. The libra placements in your chart may provide some clues to where you tend toward giving too much away.

What Now?

Relationships, paradoxes, compromise. I encourage you to reflect for a while on these topics. What is your relationship style? Where do you give too much of yourself away and get left feeling out of balance? The Libra placements in your chart can offer a lot of clues. You may also be wondering where “Double Libra Astrology” came from. Glad you asked! My son has his Sun and Moon both in Libra, in the 6th house of service. If I never had a reason to figure out my own boundaries then I sure do now! This child will likely struggle with boundaries around being of service to others. If I do not have my own boundaries figured out, then how can I raise this strong Libra baby to have boundaries? Our birth charts can be so helpful at unpacking such things. A natal chart reading by a trusted evolutionary astrologer would be helpful for a deeper understanding of how this energy shows up for you! You will want to stay tuned for next time as we explore Aquarius. This is going to be big collective energy as Pluto has just moved into this sign! Stay tuned 😊


Air Series Part Three: Aquarius


Air Series Part One:Gemini